  • Aldijana Kapupovic-Brikic

    Collects claims for our clients, and is responsible for internal accounting and money transactions. She’s the one to contact in matters of demand for payment and is informed about all incoming payments.

  • Scarlet Amann

    She handles the correspondence of lawyers. She knows how far matters have developed and which measures have to be taken.

  • Sibylle Rauch

    She handles the correspondence of lawyers. She knows how far matters have developed and which measures have to be taken.

  • Sandra Dejanac

    Is your first contact on the telephone. She also takes care of the correspondence. She coordinates appointments, contacts clients and provides information such as hearing dates and usually also the state of a certain matter.


Werdenbergerstraße 38
6700 Bludenz
Vorarlberg, Austria

Phone +43 5552 62 286
Fax +43 5552 62 286-18

Contact us


* This information is necessary to avoid dual representation/conflicts of interest.